Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day: I Fear You.

"Happy Mother's Day!" For the past few weeks this saying has been unavoidable. It is plastered all over every store, radio commercial, e-mail, and website. No one wants you to forget your mother. Of course, I don't either. However, I never realized how over advertised, and smothering, it is until I dreaded the day. 

My son was recently still born. You can read Connor's story here. He was born on March 7. He would have been due May 17. With Mother's Day being so close it was always a running joke in our house if he would be born before or after. My husband would jokingly comment, "I hope he is born the day after, so I don't have to buy you a gift!" The day just got more focus than I realized until we lost Connor

That puts me in a place of just not wanting to acknowledge the day. How can I remotely enjoy this day dedicated to a position that was unfairly ripped from me. Now, I know that I am still Connor's mother, but he isn't here with me. We can't take photos of our first Mother's Day together. 

Every radio station this week was talking about "the perfect gift." My perfect gift? People realizing that some people are dealing with loss and grieving and it is hard for us to deal with the bombardment. 

So, family and friends, please ignore me if I go awol this Mother's Day. I may take a break from Facebook, e-mail, stores, and tv. I may want to close myself off from the world until all the signs and ads are gone. I'll be okay, but this will be a tough one. 


  1. My heart goes out to you. That must have been extra hurtful with the due date being so close. You are a good mother and I hope you did something special to acknowledge that even if privately.

  2. Thank you. My husband snuck out, while letting me sleep in, and had flowers and mimosa supplies ready for me when I woke up! We also ordered in for lunch and dinner. I didn't want to face the crowds.
