Thursday, August 8, 2013


Mama Kat's writing workshop: 3.) Write a post inspired by the word: brave.

I really enjoyed last week's post which was inspired by a quote on Pinterest. 

I decided to run with it and use the same idea for "brave" this week. I may make this a weekly feature, sharing an inspirational quote from Pinterest! Let me know what you think. 

I love this quote. It is just perfectly who I want to be, and who you should want to be too! 

"May my heart be kind." 

Who doesn't want to be kind? I know some think the nice guy finishes last, but I'm okay with that. Really. I would rather be kind to those who surround me and come in last place. Being mean could be a way to get to the top, but who wants to be at the top alone? Or even worse, surrounded by a bunch of people only pretending to like them. I'm going to keep going with a conscious effort to keep my heart kind. 

"May my mind be fierce."

A kind heart doesn't mean a push over. I have been taken advantage of in the past. I have been in friendships where I am the only one doing the work. At this point in my life, I am surrounded by true friends. I will keep it that way. My mind will stay fierce with knowledge of the past and continue on for a bright future. 

"My spirit brave." 

The world is a tough place. You have to have a bit of a hard shell to get through it. However, I am a pretty emotional person. You can ask my husband. He will gladly tell you that I cry buckets at movies and books. My feelings get hurt pretty easily. After losing Connor, it surprised me by how many times I heard "you are so brave". I didn't feel brave. I didn't feel tough. I guess sometimes just getting up and pushing through a difficult day is being brave though. So, don't get discouraged because you may shed a few tears. That doesn't mean you don't have a brave spirit. 

I hope each and everyone of you may carry on with a kind heart, fierce mind, and brave spirit. 

Mama’s Losin’ It

1 comment:

  1. That's a great quote! How wonderful our world would be if more people had a kind heart!
