Tuesday, January 7, 2014


2.) Choose a theme word to live by for 2014 and tell us why you chose it.

I have been thinking about this topic for at least a week. I wanted to pick a word to improve my daily life in 2014. I think I have came up with the perfect word.

Optimism. This will be my theme word for 2014. 

It is so easy to get bogged down in the "what ifs" and "should bes". This year, I am going to force myself to look at things in a positive light. I will try to make the best of things, and be hopeful for the future. 

Instead of instantly seeing the things that are going wrong, I will appreciate the things that are going right. I will be optimistic in my hope for good things to happen, rather than assuming they will not happen. 

This will be a struggle, because like pushing that bitter feeling that pops up down, it is harder to see the positive. It is so much easier to assume, and prepare myself for the worst. 

Not in 2014. I will actively work on being more positive. 

I'll have help. I'm sure my husband will read this post, and be so kind as to remind me each and every time I say something negative! 

Feel free to join me in some optimism for 2014. 

Mama’s Losin’ It

1 comment:

  1. Just had to comment that my "other self" on Twitter and FB is "The Optimism Light" - for that reason this post really makes my day!
