Friday, August 16, 2013

Bentley turned two!

4.) Share the story behind your current Facebook and/or Twitter profile photo.

Mama’s Losin’ It      (Late, but better than never!)

I just changed my Facebook profile photo to an interesting one! I'm going to have to explain. I do not normally hang out with a cardboard eye patch on. Here's the picture:

That's my friend Jen. I think I've known her for ten years, if not more, at this point. I like that she doesn't hesitate to be goofy.

This is Bentley. He turned two Thursday.
We gathered to celebrate him, because we love him!

He had a Pirate themed birthday party.
He loves some Jake pirate show that has a really long title.

The party had goody bags.
Extra goody bags.

My friend Erica, who I've known since the third grade tossed two to Jennifer and me. We immediately began digging through what was available. There was some jewels, of the plastic variety. There was candy, of the yummy variety. Then, there was a cardboard eye patch and a paper map! 

Of course, this logically translated into us needing to put these on and pose for a picture. 

One word of warning: Don't put on a child's pirate eye patch. Really. It is painful. It pushes into your eyeball. It results in you yelling, hurry and get this picture! It results in an entertaining Facebook profile picture. I haven't heard from Jen yet about how I posted it for all to see. 


  1. What a fun party!! Eye patches definitely complete the look. :)

  2. Stopping by from Mama Kat's:
    What great spirit and fun you and your friends have!
    Now I want an eye patch....
