You fill my life with too much junk. I haven't even missed you since I said goodbye. I think you are going to stay away for a long while this time. The last time I kicked you out, you stayed gone for months. I didn't even enjoy you as much when you came back.
You always seem so much better when you are around. I'm blinded by your "greatness". Once I stay away for a while, I remember how truly bad you are for me. How easy it is to go without you.
So, this time, just stay away. Don't try tempting me, when we run into each other in public. You may change your appearance, trying to entice me back. It won't work.
I'm better off without you... soda.
Even though you always taste so darn good at the time, I can do without you.
5.) You're better off without it...
I could write this same post to candy. Stay out!! (no come back)